Sunday, 29 December 2013

Free For Five Days Only!

My book, Penelope Parker: Witch In Training will be available free on Amazon for five days only, starting December 31!

Penelope Parker: Witch In Training

How Does One Come Up With An Idea For A Book?

I was reading an article about R.L. Stine, the author of the 'Goosebumps' series. The interviewer asked him how he went about writing his stories. He replied, "I come up with the title and then I write the book."

This makes perfect sense to me, as that's exactly what I do. I came up with the title for Penelope Parker before I even started writing. Might be backwards, but the book fits the title, not the other way around.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Author Proof

Just got my author book proof. That's a complete copy of the book so I can double check for any issues, typos, etc. It's really exciting for me to see my book in print!

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

My First Book Review!

My first book review is posted on Amazon's Canadian site. The American one won't allow reviews if one has not bought books through them. Thank you, Jamaal, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read the book and post an in-depth review. I really appreciate it!

Review of Penelope Parker: Witch In Training

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Book Update

Just got my digital book proof! This is so exciting for me. Also got the cover proof, and I should have my author copy in my hands within two weeks. I think a bit longer, as this is the Christmas season!

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Kindle Edition

My new Young Adult/Tween novel, Penelope Parker: Witch In Training is now live on Amazon in Kindle format. Hopefully, the print version will be available by the end of January. Really excited; this is the culmination of more than ten years work, off and on. The NaNoWriMo challenge this year gave me the impetus to finish it.

If you have a Kindle, you can go to the Kindle Book Store and search for Penelope Parker, and try a sample of the book for free. It's just the first three chapters, but it gives you a taste. If you have an iPad, there is a Kindle app that allows you to read Kindle books. It's available free here:

Thank You!

Thank you to Sue Roberts for her contribution to my Indiegogo campaign. It is much appreciated!

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Book Two in the Penelope Parker Series

Early in the New Year, I will be working on the second book in the series, tentatively titled Penelope Parker: Chaos and Light. The book continues Penelope's adventures, as she is allowed to return to P.A.W.S. after showing she is better able to control her powers. However, her trials are not over by any means! Below is the tentative cover for the book.

Monday, 9 December 2013


Conference with publisher went well; had to resend my ms because I left out a couple of items, but no biggy. Should have the digital proof in about two weeks, and print copies by the end of January! Should have them for Tsukino-Con 

Friday, 6 December 2013

Book Update

I have a telephone conference with my publisher on Monday to firm up the interior design of the book. Then it will go to formatting, then I will get a proof, and from there, hopefully, to print! I am hoping to have copies in my hot little hands by early January. As soon as I have the physical copies, they will be going out to those wonderful folks who have supported me in this endeavour.